ShaRon Rea, Coach - No Judgment. Just Love.®.

ShaRon Rea, Coach - No Judgment. Just Love.®.

Undaunted and unabashedly focused on creating world peace in our lifetime.

ShaRon Rea, Coach - No Judgment. Just Love.®.

I have a dream! of  a world filled with people who see beyond their initial impressions and treat each other well. Together, let's create a #nojudgmentjustloveworld

A no judgment just love world is a place at peace in the understanding that each one of us is unique and valuable. It is a new world where we share unconditional allowance for all people and things. We give ourselves permission to move away from our preconceived, disapproving notions about a person’s size, race, abilities, gender, temperament, relationship preference, nationality and so on. Bringing this new place of worldwide peace into the reality we deserve, will take effort, consistent personal motivation, courage, and maybe a multitude of miracles,

Because, of course we judge all the time. It's natural and often useful. But "Living the No Judgment. Just Love. Way" means choosing to move beyond judgments that divide, to consciously lead with LOVE, in your thoughts, words and actions. This will help us genuinely relate to each other better.

It's possible, YOU could be the change we've been waiting for.

I invite you to explore and experience the services, products and programs in my Mindful Market Shop.
Let the practice of No Judgment. Just Love.®  become your way of life.

Because…It’s time.

ShaRon Rea, Coach
ShaRon is an expert and compassionately helps families find solutions to challenges raising teens, co-parenting after  divorce, for grandparents raising grandchildren, fathers taking on new roles in parenting and every caregiver focused on raising responsible, self-confident and happy children.
Schedule a FREE Discovery Coaching call using this link to book your day and time. NOTE:All times are listed in the Arizona, USA time zone



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