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This is where you can let your customers know what your shipping policy is and what they can expect when they purchase an item from your store.
Shipping Options
Please make note of the shipping options that you have to offer to your customers. Let them know information such as what your standard shipping method is, if there are any additional costs for faster shipping options or if you offer international shipping and
Returns & Exchanges
Use this space to let your customers know how you process returns and exchanges. If you can, please provide information such as details on shipping for return policies, time involved in processing returns and exchanges and what customers can expect from the process.
Let your customers know your policy on cancellations such as how long customers have to cancel an order and how you process them. We recommend being transparent so that everyone stays happy should a cancellation need arise.
Privacy Policy
Please use this space to let customers know what your privacy policy is and how your business will handle their sensitive information. Ensure that your privacy policy is easy to understand and reassures your customers that their information will be protected.
This is like the 'about' page of a website. It is your opportunity to explain who you are and to dive into details about your shop. You can include a history of your business, information about your products and services, or just tell everyone more a...
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