Dealing with Change TOOLKIT - using mindfulness through your changes
Dealing with Change TOOLKIT - using mindfulness through your changes
By: The Calm Monkey
PLEASE VISIT THE DEALING WITH CHANGE TOOLKIT NFORMATION PAGE HERE. YOU MAY GET THE RESEARCH PAPER HERE AS WELL: ---------------------------------------------------- Helping you through difficult change, mindfully. Are you going through change? - Chances are YES, as change is constant. - You may be feeling, agitated, worried, anxious or stuck. - Or maybe you're okay but know that you could use help moving forward with more positivity and energy. - Or maybe you have decided to make a change for the better - like eating healthier or improving how you react at work. This research-based toolkit teaches you about the 'Individual Change Journey' life cycle, then the meditations guide you through this life cycle in a positive way. Receive confidential online access to this toolkit for your personal or work changes. Create a better experience of your change. Create resilience. WHAT CAN THIS TOOLKIT DO FOR YOU? Change can be tough and stressful. It's not easy to admit that we may be struggling, frustrated or worried. Using change management (a profession that helps people through change) principles together with mindfulness and meditation, this toolkit contains specialized guided meditation recordings that can improve your experience through difficult changes in your life. This guides you through the change life cycle, asks powerful questions, and leaves you with time for exploration, self-reflection and creative thinking. You can create a better experience of your journey through difficult change by: - getting out of auto-pilot mode in how you react to difficult change, - raising your awareness of how the change is affecting you, - understanding what is challenging for you and why, - learning what acceptance really means and preparing you to move forward, and - committing to creating the experience you would rather have and being your own advocate. CURRENT SPECIAL PRICE: Regular $97 USD. Only $47 USD with current coupon (automatically applied). GET THE RESEARCH PAPER: "Dealing with Change" meditation study In February 2018, an amazing "Dealing with Change" meditation study was conducted by The Calm Monkey. The full results are available here:
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AboutWendy Quan, Founder of The Calm Monkey, is the industry leader in Mindfulness Meditation Facilitator Training & Certification and combining change management techniques with mindfulness to help people through difficult change.The Calm Monkey beg...
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