FLOWER Aromatherapy Room Spray Mist - Lavender, Ylang Ylang, Rose, Geranium & Chamomile Essential Oils - 4 oz - Organic, Vegan, Non GMO, Cruelty Free
FLOWER Aromatherapy Room Spray Mist - Lavender, Ylang Ylang, Rose, Geranium & Chamomile Essential Oils - 4 oz - Organic, Vegan, Non GMO, Cruelty Free
By: Hank's Garden
FLOWER Room Mist is a blend of essential oils of flowers from the garden, Lavender, Ylang Ylang, Rose, Geranium & Chamomile - 4 oz - BALANCING, UPLIFTING & ROMANTIC - Mist rooms, vehicles or any area! Natural, Nostalgic, Holiday or Anytime! - Organic - 100% Essential Oils Cruelty Free - Non GMO - Vegan No Animal Testing - Biodegradable Breaks down and doesn’t hurt water or wildlife INGREDIENTS: Distilled H2O, Organic Essential Oils of Lavender, Ylang Ylang, Rose, Geranium & Chamomile, Organic Veg. Glycerin. ROOM ONLY MIST WARNING: Don’t spray on skin or pets. Some oils may irritate. If rash starts, stop using. If diabetic, pregnant/breastfeeding, call Dr. before use. Keep from children. Don’t store in sun/heat. SHAKE REALLY WELL BEFORE EACH USE! Now in metal bottles - PLEASE keep sprayer- buy refill, switch tops or pour in old bottle. $1.00 deposit, save up & ask for paid label to send back or Reuse or Recycle! #SaveOurOceans EARTH SAFE=LIFE SAFE
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