We always talk about Conscious Consumerism and Conscious Business, but why not discuss who is behind these movements?

Highly. Conscious. People.
These individuals are self-aware, in-tune with the world, and adaptable from moment-to-moment. Highly conscious people are not operating on auto-pilot. They are intentional about everything they do. And I mean everything. When you choose a life of consciousness, you choose a life of intentional, wholehearted, self-awareness. This alone changes the relationship you have with the world, yourself, and those around you. Some of the most successful, inspirational, and confident individuals are highly conscious people.
So… How do they do it? How do they turn auto-pilot off and consciousness on? Here’s how:

1. Self-Awareness Is Their Foundation
Let’s start with what self-awareness is… Self-awareness is the ability to go inward. Reflect on your actions, thoughts, and emotions. Self-awareness allows you to tap into your most authentic energy in all aspects of your life. With self-awareness as a guide, highly intentional people are able to show up in the world with more confidence and less doubt, more compassion and less apathy, and more hope and less fear.

2. They Choose to Exist Within Intentionality
The art of being intentional stems from practicing self-awareness and applying it to day-to-day life. Here is the secret…Highly conscious people don’t just apply intentionality to the big moments in life. If anything, their relationship with intentionality is strongest when they tether it to the little moments. Sipping on a fresh cup of tea. Looking out the window in the middle of the day to take in the scenery. Breathing deeply before speaking. Intentional does not always mean it has to come from a place of earth-shaking will. Sometimes it just means remembering to slow down, breathe, and ask your body/mind what it needs often.

3. Knowingness Is A Safe Haven
Knowingness is how highly Conscious Business people approach to challenge and self-doubt. It is within our own nature to question ourselves as humans, but when we find a safe haven in knowingness, we waste less time worrying and more time practicing worthiness.

4. When Others Win, They Win
Highly conscious people have a self-awareness that allows them to see the world through wholeness. When others succeed, they too feel successful. When others win, they win. Highly conscious people don’t see competition, they see opportunities and inspiration to grow.

5. The Idea of “Negative vs. Positive” Does Not Exist in Their World
Many of us use the phrase “negative vibes or negative thoughts” to create differentiation between the positive, but highly conscious people see all of that as simply vibes and thoughts. They choose to exist in a world with less black and white, less negative vs. positive. Instead, they adapt their thinking and perspective to allow themselves to see all energy, opportunity, and challenge at face value. This allows them to remain conscious of all that they do, experience, and believe.

You will know when you have come across a highly conscious person by their presence. It is powerful, humbling, and comforting. The truth is, we all are capable of becoming these people. It starts with adopting these 5 habits that you can carry with you for the rest of your life.