Tag - Empowers Women

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Kristen Gmerek

Kristen is a writer, creator, and healing human who falls in love with stories each day. She is currently the Conscious Marketing and Communications Director for Mindful Market.

In a World of Uncertainty, Know Your Values

Let’s start with the obvious. Everyone has their own set of values and goals. This same complexity within individuality does not look any different for conscious consumers. Recognizing that you possess some if not most of the values that fall within conscious consumerism will allow you to step into a community of individuals just like you – wanting more for the world based on the values they uphold.

At Mindful Market, we have over 150 values that connect conscious consumers with products that align with their values. It may seem daunting to sift through all of the possible values, products, and conscious businesses out there, so here is a guide to values and conscious businesses that uphold these values:

  B Corporation – Certified Corporations that meet the highest standards of verified social and environmental performance, transparency, and accountability to balance profit and purpose

Do you align with this value? Check out Plaine Products

100% Upcycled – Content that existed once with one purpose and is later transformed for another purpose

Do you align with this value? Check out Yknot Bowties

Safe and Fair Labor – ensuring that products have been developed with equitable and just labor practices

Do you align with this value? Check out Papercraft Miracles

Empowers WomenGiving power to women to decide their own lives and make their own decisions for their personal benefits as well as for society

Do you align with this value? Check out Whole Mala

UN Sustainable Development Goal: Decent Work and Economic Growth – Promote inclusive and sustainable economic growth, employment, and decent work for all

Do you align with this value? Check out Jim Mondry Coaching

There are many polarizing messages of uncertainty in the world, but if you hold onto your values, you will begin to remember why you are here and what matters to you most.

Know your values. Shop your values.

Sustainable and Healthy

Hallie Mazurkiewicz

Hallie Mazurkiewicz: Lunar Wild

Hallie Mazurkiewicz, the founder of Lunar Wild, is blazing the trail in terms of menstruation products – especially with regards to the stigmas surrounding them. Hallie understands that periods are seldom discussed, let alone celebrated – and she’s on a mission to change that for the younger generation.

Hallie and her team at Lunar Wild have created the First Period Gift Box, designed to be healthy, sustainable, and a conversation starter not only for the young girls receiving them, but for the family members, mentors, and friends gifting the boxes as well. Hallie’s mission, and the purpose of her company, is to ensure that young women and girls understand their power and value themselves and their monthly period, even if society consistently encourages them not to. 

Located in East Aurora, New York, Lunar Wild ships all over the United States and internationally, offering Period Gift Boxes featuring organic tampons and pads, literature about womanhood, reusable cloth pads, moon jewelry, and much more Female Empowerment Products

Check out Hallie’s Mindful Market shop and help her support the next generation of women!