The Six Principles of Enlightenment and Meaning of Life
The Six Principles of Enlightenment and Meaning of Life
*Winner of the 2016 Pinnacle Book Achievement Award for Best Book in Spiritual Self Help. *Finalist of the 2017 Body Mind Spirit Book Awards. All enlightened beings, most founders of religions and many renowned scientists knew and understood the six principles of enlightenment. These universal truths have been written about, taught and discussed for thousands of years yet remain shrouded in mystery and misinterpretation. This book seeks to remove that shroud. The Six Principles of Enlightenment and Meaning of Life is an intellectual and spiritual work that explains the six significant universal truths woven throughout science, religion and philosophy. These principles draw upon thousands of years of wisdom and are presented in a concise, accessible format. Each principle is defined and has an explanation on its application to life; they are further supported by quotes of wisdom from enlightened beings, philosophers, artists and scientists like Buddha, Albert Einstein, Rumi, Stephen Hawking and Jesus. Understanding the six principles then unlocks the meaning of life which is explained in the final chapter.
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